Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Quiet Times

 I think quiet times are a really good thing, like super good. It's your own personal time to use talk to the Creator of the Universe without any distraction, and that is super fabulous. Especially, when you are having a busy day and you can just sit down and talk to God, for me at least, it bring peace to my soul.
 Despite what great things come from having a quiet time, you have to be willing to put the things God tells you in this time to action. I am as guilty as the next guy, getting up in the morning, doing my quiet time, and going on about my day. Like I stated before quiet times are a good thing, but if that is the only time of your day where you think about God at all and you don't try to use what he reveals to you through out your day, then, honestly, what's the point? I do think it's good to designate a specific time for just you & Jesus, but I also believe that should not be the only time He shines.

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