Wednesday, December 2, 2015


 Church people could probably start a tabloid. I mean church folks sure can gossip. "I didn't see so an so at church on Sunday." "Did you see what such and such is wearing?" I mean seriously people, we have turned Christianity into going to a buliding with a bunch of other "Christians" twice a week. It's crazy, a lot of us will completely overthrow our schedule to go to this building twice a week, but other than that we don't even try to get closer with the Lord. Do not take me wrong on this matter, church buildings are important and I encourage everyone to attend one, but that's not where the church is. The people are the church, and the reason our world is the way it is is because we are containing The Creator of the Universe to a building. Twice a week. Most of us are not inviting him into our lives out in the world and showing others the wonders of His love. Personally, I think that God would much rather a person miss a Sunday or a Wednesday but really be trying daily to walk with Him, than someone show up everytime the doors are open just for the status or what-have-you. 
*I do not believe this applies to everyone, just, sadly, the majority.

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