Friday, December 25, 2015


 Merry Christmas! Happy birthday Jesus! That seems to be something we forget to say. Indeed, spending time with your family and exchanging gifts rocks and all, but it is Jesus' birthday too. 
 During the midst of this exciting time, don't forget that this is really supposed to be a celebration that God sent his one and only son as an infant into the world to die for you and I.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


 Around the holidays everyone (for the most part) tends to have a gentler spirit about them. True, I myself am a fan of holiday cheer, but why just this time of year? Why can't we be nice to people all year round? Why can't we put aside our differences and be merry all year? Personally, I feel this world would be a much better place, wouldn't you agree? I mean I don't recall a place in the bible where it says "and only be kind in one month of the year." Spread the loveđź’›

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Draw Close II

 In James the bible tells us that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us, but what exactly does that mean? (By the way, none of this is scientifically proven or anything, I'm just a 13 year old who happens to loves Jesus and decides to post my thoughts on the Internet)
For me, that means that when we draw near to God he doesn't just stay where he is, how ever far we are willing to draw to him he will match it, or more. Like I have stated in previous blogs, He, The Creator of the Universe, The Star Breather, is constantly chasing after us. 
 I think of it when your loved one is getting off an airplane and they start to run to you as us, and then God is who we are meeting. Well God isn't going to stand there, He is going to run after us! As he tells us in the bible, he will always meet us wherever we are, no matter if we are soaring above mountain tops, or in the depths of the lowest valleys.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Quiet Times

 I think quiet times are a really good thing, like super good. It's your own personal time to use talk to the Creator of the Universe without any distraction, and that is super fabulous. Especially, when you are having a busy day and you can just sit down and talk to God, for me at least, it bring peace to my soul.
 Despite what great things come from having a quiet time, you have to be willing to put the things God tells you in this time to action. I am as guilty as the next guy, getting up in the morning, doing my quiet time, and going on about my day. Like I stated before quiet times are a good thing, but if that is the only time of your day where you think about God at all and you don't try to use what he reveals to you through out your day, then, honestly, what's the point? I do think it's good to designate a specific time for just you & Jesus, but I also believe that should not be the only time He shines.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Love III

 God is love, the most incredible love there will ever be. This is because it is so unconditional. I mean the man sent him only son to die for your mistakes. That's crazy, right? 
 And like, since he loves us like that we should be seeking Him and running after Him too, right? Funny thing is, it's quite the opposite. We have nothing to offer him and he has everything to offer us, yet day after day he continues to chase after our hearts, when all we want to do is run away. 
 Don't get me wrong, I'm as guilty of not more as anybody, but as time goes on I've realized how worse and worse humanity has gotten, maybe it's just me getting older, I don't know. I mean if I were God and I saw how corrupt this place has gotten I would just give up. But that's just another example of his amazing love, it's unfailing, like no other, no matter how far we try and go he will always find us, and always be there to get us out of the muck and grime.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Seeing Without Believing

 It would be really cool to be a Chrstian back when Jesus walked the earth. To physically be with Jesus seems like the coolest thing ever. Sadly, none of us (not even that great aunt that has been old since you can remember) had that opportunity. But that also means, God trusts you to believe without seeing. 
 I think if we could physically see God, there would be a lot more "Christians" out there, for many think they must see to believe. But, Jesus say himself, blessed are those who see without believing. 
 We believe air can keep us alive but we can't see it right? So what's so hard about Jesus? That's a question I don't have an answer for, except for that the bible tells us the world is against Jesus.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


 God says over and over in the bible that he is a peacemaker, the Prince of Preace,  and that he is Peace. But what does that mean? To me, it means that in the midst of the storm, when there seems to be no way out, he makes peace. God is a loving father and when we hurt he hurts. He longs for us to call out to him in our times of fret and worry. He wants to be our Peacemaker. 
 It really is incredible. When nothing is going right and your life seems to be a never ending war, he makes peace, call out to your Father and he will answer you. He loves to hear from his children, but not only in times of despair. When you are glad he wants you to call out to him and praise him with joyful noises. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Draw Close

 We, as humans, tend to hold grudges. A lot. God doesn't do that. He tells us that each day is a new day. He is a loving and forgiving God. Which means, everyday we have a new opportunity to grow more in His love. Every single day we have a chance to draw closer to The Star Breather. But a lot of times, we just don't. We think we are "okay" just where we are. As the pastor of the church I attend says "You are either drawing closer or farther away, you are never just okay."

Friday, December 4, 2015

Letting Jesus In

 Have you ever felt like no one cared? Like you were alone? Like you didn't matter? Well there's good news. 1. Everyone feels this way at some point. 2. YOU AREN'T ALONE, YOU HAVE JESUS. Literally, The Star Breather, Creator of the Universe, God himself, wants you to call out to him in our time of need. He wants to help you, he wants to be your refuge in times of darkness. But it's a funny thing, we just won't let him. For some reason, myself more than anyone, always think we have a better plan, that we always "got this" and know exactly what we are doing. Which when you say it out loud sounds like just about the most stupid thing ever. In which it is. But somehow, we still think so.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


 We were all put on this planet for a purpose, I mean I'm pretty sure The Creator of the Universe would not have made a mistake. So we know that right? Well the hard part is knowing what your purpose is. There is not small purpose or big purpose, they are all just different purposes, for God has a different plan for each of our lives. 
 Maybe your part of your purpose was to witness to the lady behind you at Walmart. You didn't do it did you? Here's something scary: what if you were the only person God ever put in their path to witness to them? And because of you they never heard the good news. So what if she looks at you weird? God might would have just used you to save her soul. 
 No matter what it may be, God put you here for a purpose, it's our job to make it our will to find it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


 Church people could probably start a tabloid. I mean church folks sure can gossip. "I didn't see so an so at church on Sunday." "Did you see what such and such is wearing?" I mean seriously people, we have turned Christianity into going to a buliding with a bunch of other "Christians" twice a week. It's crazy, a lot of us will completely overthrow our schedule to go to this building twice a week, but other than that we don't even try to get closer with the Lord. Do not take me wrong on this matter, church buildings are important and I encourage everyone to attend one, but that's not where the church is. The people are the church, and the reason our world is the way it is is because we are containing The Creator of the Universe to a building. Twice a week. Most of us are not inviting him into our lives out in the world and showing others the wonders of His love. Personally, I think that God would much rather a person miss a Sunday or a Wednesday but really be trying daily to walk with Him, than someone show up everytime the doors are open just for the status or what-have-you. 
*I do not believe this applies to everyone, just, sadly, the majority.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Having it Easy

 Everyday, around the world people are literally being murdered for proclaiming to be a Christian. We in America have it easy. All we get are weird looks. That's it. No beating, shooting, hanging, whipping, nope none of that, just weird looks. Which seems funny because most of us leave Jesus inside the church doors when we legally have every opportunity to boast about His goodness. Why? Weird looks. Fear people won't like us. I myself am as, or more, guilty that everyone, but don't you think that if we are blessed enough to live in a country where we can share our faith freely we should?