Sunday, April 10, 2016

He is Still Good

 One of my favorite passages of the Bible is Daniel 3. To me it just has so many different illustrations of God and his mercy, love, and power. It's the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego. If you haven't read it, it's a good read and I do suggest doing so.
 If not, He is still Good
 Sometimes God allows situations in our lives to happen that we wish he didn't. True, we may not be thrown in a burning fire like these three guys were, but in every situation we are ever in God always shows up and shows out- as long as we let Him. I love verse 18 of this passage, saying that even if God doesn't deliver us in the flesh that He is still good, and it is all for His greater glory, and they will never cease to worship Him. That is an attitude I strive to have: no matter what happens, use everything to bring glory to His name and His purpose, not my own..
The Fourth Man
 In verse 25 one of the guards call out, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.” To me this verse is such a beautiful and so literal illustration that God is always with us. And that no matter where we are, it is never too far for Him to reach us. It always go to show that He would never put us through anything that He has not been through Himself. Of course we don't know it was Jesus they saw, but I mean it had to have been something!
The Conversion
The last illustration I want to talk about is the conversion of Nebuchanezzar's faith. Because of the faith in Godof those three men, not only did Nebuchanezzar cry out to Jehovah, he called the whole nation to do the same. God tells us that when we bring glory to His name he will bless that in the multitudes, and that is what He did here.

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