Jesus was not a hater...
Jesus stood for everything that was love, for he was love. He knew when to angry and he knew when to be complacent. Jesus didn't unlove people because of their morality, religion, race, or anything else. He loves everyone just where they are. I think we get confused a lot as the church and try to mold people into what we think they should be or judge people because they don't fit those standards. For He did not condem the world, but came to save it.
Jesus was not well groomed...
One of my biggest pet peeves is every single picture of Jesus I have every seen gets Him all wrong. They portray him as this dainty guy who is holding a lamb withhair looking as though he just exited the salon. That is not my Jesus. Jesus was a carpenter, he was a big dude! The bible even says that his hair was like that of an animal's. He was probably dirty and didn't smell well either! Also: he wasn't white, considering that he was Middle Eastern he was probably dark skinned, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Jesus was not emotionless...
Lots of people assume that since Jesus was fully God that he didn't experience human emotions like sadness, anger, or hurt. That is completely wrong, because yes Jesus was fully God, he was also fully man. We saw his display of anger when he overturned the tables at the temple, and we saw his sadness in the verse "Jesus wept." But what really hits this topic for me is in the garden right before his crucifixion where he prayed "Abba, if there is any way this cup could pass from me let it..." To me, this shows that it's okay to be scared sometimes, even Jesus was.