Monday, November 30, 2015

Tough Stuff

 God is super smart you know? He has planned out each and every one of all of our lives without ever making a mistake. His plans are always right, no matter what we think of them. As Christians, we may have the peace to know that God always has our best interest at hand, even when we don't understand. Sometimes it takes drastic measures for God to get our attention. At the time of the event we think it is all despair, but God can use anything and everything in our lives, no matter how bad we think it is, for his glory. After all, he is God.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Love II

 These days everybody wants to be doing better than the Jones'. Guiltily, myself included, We always want the newest thing out, no matter if can actually afford it or not. But do you think Jesus cares about any of that? For he himself said the world will know you by your love, not your designer handbag. If the church collectively as a whole, including myself, spend as much time showing love to the world and getting out there for Jesus as we do quarreling and trying to be better than everyone else, we would probably get a lot more done.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


 Hey! My name is Katie Beth. Jesus is my savior, and I feel led to use this blog to further others for His kingdom. Sooooo, enjoy!

 I think our generation is obsessed with love. Think about, what is every single song on the radio about these days? Love. We collectively as a human race crave love. And we are looking everywhere but in the right direction. For, Jesus is love, he can fulfill any void we shall ever have in our lives, we just have to ask. I think we have forgotten the fact that he will always love us, and nothing can sperate us from him. This is so hard for us to understand because wether we want to admit it or not, we have such conditional love, but Jesus is not like that. We had nothing to offer him except dismay, but he was still willing to die for us. If that isn't love then try to tell me what is.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jeremiah 31:3